
Athletics & Fitness “A Healthy Body, Keeps A Healthy Mind…!


MIMT offers a variety of lifetime sports and personal conditioning activities. Through the unique contribution of the programs of Athletics, Physical Education, and Recreation, our mission is to provide the men and women of MIMT College, the opportunity for growth and development in their intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual lives. Intercollegiate athletics are an integral part of MIMT educational program, and our principal goal is that they reflect the College’s values and contribute to the development of our student-athletes. Intercollegiate athletics at MIMT provide students with the opportunity to participate in sports in an environment in which the student-athlete’s athletic participation is conducted as an integral part of the educational experience. The purpose of the intercollegiate athletic program is therefore no different than that of any academic program, i.e. to achieve the highest possible standard of excellence. For athletics, this means that the ultimate goal of each of the varsity sports is to provide students with an opportunity to improve their physical and mental well-being through athletic participation.


MIMT is concerned with the intellectual, social, emotional and physical development of its students, and thus we believe that our intercollegiate programs should foster such characteristics as self-discipline, physical conditioning, teamwork, respect for competitors, and pride in achievement. Because these values are of equal significance to men and women, our athletic program should strive to provide equal opportunity and encouragement to all student-athletes.


Finally, as in all other activities, we wish to strive for excellence and would like our athletic programs to remain competitive with those of comparable academic institution. The Physical Education, Athletics and Recreation encompasses intercollegiate varsity athletics, intramurals, and the College’s course. Where various program offers a number of popular sports and activities for students, faculty, and staff, including Cricket, Basketball, Volley Ball, Badminton, and other athletic Activities.